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15 thoughts on “Before It Happens 5/23/2024

  1. Lauren will make a support statement in support of Diddler? Doubt it. She don’t want that type of smoke. Her best bet will be to continue being quiet.

    1. I thought he did but Aubrey has always said no she never slept with Diddy and she said if she did she would have never been kicked out

  2. I thought Drake was doing the whole “Rich Baby Daddy” marketing thing with Sexxy Red – why would he come out with a relationship now it doesn’t really add up? Also how is it exclusive if he’s still talking to Brooklyn? lol
    I’m kind of shocked Kerry Washington has cheated on her husband twice already and her husband forgave her. But also I think in my mind if she was gonna cheat it should’ve been with Tony Goldwyn (unless he was number 1) lol 😂

    1. He is but they are not exclusive you have already heard sexyy calling out for dudes they doing the baby daddy thing she pretty much been admitting they fuckin

  3. If drake gonna debut a relationship it’s gotta be age appropriate. At this point anyone in they 20’s will just further his preying on young girls narrative.

  4. Please give us the Danity Kane tea. There had to more that went on behind the scenes. Dawn accused Aubrey of sleeping with production when she did an interview last year but I never expected her to sleep with him. Maybe that’s why he kept her in the group and maybe that’s why her and que broke up

  5. Alex (Cassie’s husband) seems like an opportunist to me something not cleaned up.

    But SK S Trafficking 😳😳 I’ve always wondered how he has “money” cause the music was corny even when popular

  6. Am I the only person that wouldn’t be surprised if Aubrey slept with Diddy? Because the way she would always behave and interact with him on Making The Band made me feel that way years ago. Lol

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