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14 thoughts on “Pr Diaries The Stories We Used To Whisper About On These PR Streets Did Janet Jackson Have To Fuck Clint Eastwood?

  1. I’m glad Janet didn’t sleep with him. Because she didn’t need to she was at the top of her music career at the time.

  2. Apparently it worked. They even tried to throw mud on her name when she first did the Why Did I Get Married with Tyler Perry. Remember when they tried to bring up the Justin Timberlake fiasco and Tyler Perry shut it down.

  3. This worked out for the black movies Janet did partake in

    These old nasty yt men in Hollywood are something else

  4. It makes me wonder what would have happened if she did. For all of her mainstream music success. All of her movies are urban and black movies. Even when Whitney did The Bodyguard, her future movies were black movies. Waiting to exhale is such a departure from what I expected after the bodyguard when her mainstream appeal was at it’s peak.

  5. Disgusting. I’ve noticed it’s always the fugly white dudes trying it. It ain’t never someone cute like Brad Pitt or Leo DiCaprio in their prime.

  6. She married that Arab Billionaire for the bag. It’s hard to stand strong all ya life. But props to her all her life she been bullied by Hollywood. I woulda been snapped.

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