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  1. Oh FUCK NO! This is some BS and ima be pissed off if you snitches wanna fuck a good thing up!

    Btw G I’m totally down if we need to sign a NDA. The fakes have to been weened OUT

  2. This sounds like a bogus lawyer. Ain’t no damn lawyer going to speak that informal and unprofessional. That must be a paralegal at most. Lmaooooo

    Why are people here if it bothers them shit being exposed?! I don’t get it.

    1. I thought the same thing but look at lisa bloom she speaks the same way . These ghetto celebrities have ghetto lawyers now. For the record I looked the person up and they definitely exist . Now was this them/ I have no idea. it definitely came on e-mail lawyer letterhead

      1. I just looked her up and guess what? On her page, she has Amber Rose Slut Walk on top. That lady is a tax attorney!

      2. Let your attorney to respond back. Besides, I thought this was your private blog; not an “public forum”.

      3. I pay for this.This isn’t public you have to be invited and pay to get on. I may have to put it on a .com

      4. G I think one of Amber rose fans on this blog send this out. They mad you telling the true about Amber Rose.

  3. What the fuck?? Why are people doing this? Who has time to do this? G, you need to start raising prices. Folks want to steal from you, you need to make sure they are paying through the nose to do so. I’m so disgusted.

  4. Fuck this shit G! Put the damn NDA up. Then you will have legal recourse too! Anyone who doesn’t sign, give them their money back and let them kick rocks. Also can you make it so people can’t screen shot?

    1. Exactly!!! Have members sign an NDA! Then you can take legal action if information is shared & they will have to report to you who it came from.

  5. Jesus G! B careful! Lots of people don’t like u for whatever reason but like u said, Y pay then give ur stories away for free. SMH @ the stupidity! U may need to reconstruct the blog without options of emailing stories. Just ridiculous. I hope u find whomever is putting u & ur website in jeopardy while trying to ruin it for us noseys. Stay blessed.

  6. Dag G,

    That is so messed up. We really appreciate all your info and we don’t need a snitch in here messing everything up for everyone. I hope u find out who it is.😤

  7. No way! We got some snakes in the grass this is crazy as hell! i’m mas as hell for you smh! and fuck amber rose and blac chyna hoe asses for that shit!

  8. Wow. That’s fucked up. Make your followers sign a non disclosure agreement. If they refuse delete & block them.

  9. Smh, and ppl wonder why we can’t have nice things. I think there should be an NDA to sign immediately and then again whenever it’s time to renew subscriptions.

  10. Sad on every LEVEL. You said before you were going to starting weeding ppl out and now YOU NEED TO ASAP. Ridiculous what does proves is you are clearly a threat and you on point with TRUTH bcs if it was a lie nobody would hv ever said nothing to you. They scared scared or nah. F…em G. When you start weeding out the bad seeds just say what you need bcs im here for the long haul

  11. This is a damn shame! Do you think it’s from the Spill the Sugar tease that was on I.G? A lot of the celebs troll big time too.

  12. Damn! Like seriously… This is a whole ass mess! G, if you hadn’t said this was a real lawyer I’d think it was fake too. People are a trip. Shit. Why you wasting your dollars to be a dick? Smfh. Be careful G.

  13. NDA is a good idea. Another option is to use pseudonyms to refer to the people in the articles. It’s clear that some of the famous people you are spilling sugar on are either subscribed to your blog or have people who are subscribed on their behalf. Basically confirming that everything you write is 100% accurate !

  14. That sucks! Welp, just don’t post about Amber .. her narrative is and will always be the same.. we don’t need her tea.

  15. Whoa….trying to figure out what’s the worst part- the people stealing/sharing your tea or the people sharing your personal information. As much as I love this page, if you shut it down I would completely understand. People willing to be sodomized and sacrifice family/friends wouldn’t think twice about getting rid of a blogger that exposing some of their biggest secrets.

  16. I swear I hate peoole! You can’t never have nice shit, cause someone always gotta hate! Miserable cockroaches! Smh!

  17. Wow!! We really can’t have nice things.

    G you have been doing it all & putting everything on the line

    G I hope you do know there’s a number of us who aren’t snitches & simply want to know the truth vs what alternate version is pushed upon us

    There’s clearly either some ppl posing as someone else & telling your info and/or reposting your inside info on their blogs bc they aren’t getting the clicks on their website

    The fact that Angela & Amber freely promote their hoe behavior as long as clicks on SM & a night club appearance check is apart of the deal, but when someone else exposes it, & on a private blog at that,
    they want to get attorneys involved bc it’s not the narrative they want to control? Complete nonsense

    At some point there won’t be anymore dudes to screw in the industry or ppl to care enough on SM of what they aren’t & aren’t doing bc the new man they are in love with every 2 weeks is old and tired

  18. smh this is getting annoying now okay so I suggest you weed out the fakes,sign NDA and maybe I’m not sure this is possible make your blog private or a closed group so only certain ppl can view and enter it.

    1. Maybe you should stop putting the latest story line ups on Instagram. Since celebs and their people are trolls, they know what’s posted on the blog. Everyone who is a blog member, if they want to know the latest will just log in to see if it is a story they’re interested in. Oh and maybe a NDA, since this seems to be a ongoing problem.

      1. That’s an idea. However, my digital marketer says that is a way of getting new members. I gotta speak to heaven and ask

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