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15 thoughts on “How Lady Gaga Returned To The Goat’s Good Graces

  1. Gaga has a documentary that was filmed before ‘A Star Was Born’. She was going thru a lot with her career and health but you could tell she was really upset but didn’t let it all out. By the end she got the role and now back in Lucy’s good graces. The documentary was released exclusively on Netflix too

  2. I thought it was just me that noticed a shift in Netflix. Can you do a blog on how/when Netflix went to the darkside?
    Thanks for keeping us sugarbabies in the know.

  3. Lady Gaga is a very unsettling individual. All her costumes look like a symbolism for something disturbing. Her earlier music is fantastic, but I can’t look at her videos or watch on my screen anymore.

  4. The Netflix part doesnt sound right because when she was on that show it was running on FX and still is. Did you mean her document8? AHS is not a netflix original

    1. Was thinking the same thing. It’s still on FX, but older seasons eventually become available on Netflix like other shows.

  5. I have been saying for years that Netflix shows are just too damn dark and plays with the mind. That is why I barely watch it.

  6. So she gave her money back only to re commit to the goat AGAIN?That’s crazy.
    I wonder if she is still dealing with fibromyalgia? She was in physical pain right? to the point she couldn’t perform …
    fishy fishy….

  7. Hmmmmmmm. I knew Netflix went to the dark side when all these agenda pushing shows started to reappear in the catalog. Smhhh it’s not worth it Gaga but Tuh too late now

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