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14 thoughts on “The Orgy For The Continuous Of Graceful Aging

  1. If this ritual is to slow down the aging process then why didn’t it work for Snoop Dogg and Madonna? Madonna’s face is about as stretched out as her coochie… and Snoop looks like his soul has been smoked out….. they don’t need to be bathed they need a 48 hour soak 🤣😂🤣

    1. Madonna does not look 63 to me of course she will coming offcovid a whole lot of people did and remember the key word is aging of the soul

      1. Bareface she looks like she shouldn’t even still be on earth. She also got horrible surgery her ass is lumpy.

  2. Madonna looks horrible but we always wondered why Pharrell, Lenny, Brad, George Clooney seem to age backwards. This makes perfect sense, thanks G you the 🐐!

  3. Yes Madonna looks her age… you’re just looking at filtered pics. See her in person and ask that question. It’s not working 🤣🤣🤣

  4. When Pink did the performance with her daughter was that a ritual I noticed the moon and the slings were triangles I also noticed in most of the movies now there’s a moon why is that and when usher came out for his performance on I heart radio I thought he had a skirt on at first

  5. Def not working for Madonna she needs to steal someone else’s soul who’s younger than her and try again

  6. Many of these celebrities look like the walking dead Donna looks like she’s dying them rituals eating her up

  7. @brawwnsuga yes that’s a ritual pink been doing that for a few years sadly she pulling her daughter right in that house of horrors industry

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