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26 thoughts on “The Truth About The Omari Hardwick and Courtney Kemp’s Beef (part 1 of 2)

  1. Dramas!!! I can’t stand Omari, he talks too much. And too cocky, it diminishes his sex appeal. I haven’t bothered with watching Powerbook. I’m over this series. I might watch when it gets to Hulu, maybe…

  2. Power is my SHOW!

    Hollywood is so weird. These writers/producers want to pick & choose when they want to protect their stars but then let something petty like a SM like go scorched earth & either destroy or kill off said character versus working things out as adults

    The only other spinoff that will get the ratings closer to original Power is Tommy’s spinoff.

    That being said, this season finale w/that small cameo of JK changed the whole dynamic of the show & really shows how talented the original cast was & while a few storylines this recent season were interesting, Omari & JK were the main reason ppl watched as well as the men who lusted after LL & Proctor was a G & it was must see TV

    The show truly should’ve ended if they were killing off Ghost. I mean he’s basically the show

    Funny CK picks & chooses to care about what ppl think but casted her lover 2-Bit on the show like it was nothing in meaningless storylines just so he could get a check

    It doesn’t matter what storylines she changed for Angela/Ghost, Tasha still got a raw deal out of everyone so they might as well kept the Angela/Ghost affair continuing if they never intended on improving things for Tasha.

    I thought Omari wanted to do more movies & things anyways & was sick of the show?

    & what about 50cent? His character gets killed off then the show takes off & his character suddenly is back from the dead

  3. I love power. It was hands down one of my favorite shows. I had the way the story ended. So she basically killed them because she was mad.
    Why does ghost have to defend her online? She is a grown ass woman. We did watch the show because of Omari. He is fine and a great actor. The ratings would not be high with 50 cent playing ghost.

    I would have loved to see a spinoff with angela and ghost in Miami.

    I first heard that the show was suppose to go 5 seasons. Courtney said she already had the ending in mind before they shot season one.
    I can’t believe she gave into fans when she said she would stay true to her writing.

    Did 50 have any input on killing all the characters at the end.

    I could tell
    Something is going on because they didn’t even interact on social media anymore.

  4. I’m not understanding why she wasn’t even mad. Why did she need any defending? She was the writer.. No one was watching the show for her as she was not an actress. It sounds more like she was in her feelings about not getting the attention she craved. She was feeling herself a bit too much. Just write the show, let the actors do their job and keep it moving but no she had to make things difficult by messing up a perfectly good show. I don’t even bother with the Powerbook series especially with Tariq as the lead

  5. Absolutely loved this show. One of the best I have ever seen. My issue is that she killed Ghost too soon. This habit of Courtney Kemp to kill a character when you get too attached destroyed a really incredible show who could have many, many good seasons with Ghost. Really miss his character. Power two is great but it lacks the pizzazz of original Power.

  6. Power WAS my show. I met Omari in person and Lela both very sweet people with undeniable chemistry on screen. Courtney had a very good show sadly this new spin off is wack. PS it’s annoying how they keep giving 50 cent credit for this show. The writers N actor are who deserves the credit. I would say bring back Ghost and Angie but I’m sure Courtney personal issues won’t smh. The lost me as a fan tho

  7. I guess🙄. Well..if she did have issues, it all worked out because this spin off is good and I love how they’ve made it a whole Power universe type thing. I was disappointed that they killed Ghost off at the hands of Tariq but I like how they’ve cleaned it up. I personally was glad when they killed Angela off. She had to go! Killing Proctor was sad but necessary. 2-Bit….I love that character too but I’m trying to figure out where they’re going with him.. I’ve met all of them in person and they all seem to be very humble and down to earth people. Courtney and 50 had their issues too that kind of played out on social media and it added to the fuel of the show. Hollywood is strange, yes and fans are, too. If people waited and tried to appease everyone everything would suffer. Looking forward to the next installments about Kanan and Tommy as well as season 2 of Power Book II, Ghost.

  8. Sounds like Courtney was developing a crush on Omari and was starting to carry the same emotions women on social media were carrying about Ghost and Angela, but in real life.

    For her to say “there is an Angela stealing a black woman’s man in real life” sounds like she was speaking from her own jealousy & it just sounds so stupid and insecure… and im a black woman myself. Please leave basing your self confidence on social media opinions & TV characters in 2020 please 🙄 if you feel beautiful no stranger on the internet or TV Character could change that lol

    And on top of that… Courtney you made up the damn characters lol, she had to have known how it would look to the audience. She had to have known there was gonna be some women not liking seeing a black man choosing a non black woman over his black wife but she still chose to create the characters and add in quotes and actions to make it more disrespectful.

    Like Ghost telling his wife Tasha he just lost the love of his life after Angela died. Or fingering thumping Tasha on the forehead lol she had no problem writing that script until she and other people were emotionally invested…yeah she was crushing and started lashing out from her own hurt feelings.

  9. Wow never knew this. Omari is very annoying on social media. I like power book 2. I hated tariq on power but like him on the spinoff. Hope the others are good as well

  10. I’m not going to lie. I didn’t like ghost or Omari and it was because he was with a manly white woman in real life and how it was written for him to do Tasha so bad. Maybe I’m stupid, but it’s the real. Don’t miss ghost/Omari and that’s that.

    1. SO you dont like him in real life because he has a white manly wife? You do understand he did not write power right?

    2. But Omari didn’t write his character, Courtney Kemp *a whole black woman* wrote it that way lol she should be catching flack for depicting the story that way not him.

      so I’m assuming that you feel because he’s married to a white woman in real life he saw no issue in taking on the role of a black man who disrespects his black wife? If so I don’t see the correlation.

  11. That’s funny someone mentioned on clubhouse that Courtney stolen her story and turn it into a show… the book is called juicy Deception 2

  12. I don’t understand why she thought omari should defend her when she clearly knows that this is a fictional show and if she had a crush on him that’s not his fault o didn’t like how ghost did tasha either but I know that it was just a show for entertainment purposes now I wasn’t sad when they killed Angela off because she was working my nerves but to kill off ghost was just wow for me

  13. Honestly, I have 0 sympathy for Omar. He always comes off as a Narcissistic ahole, which is a major turnoff. He once compared himself to Chadwick Boseman.

  14. I enjoyed the last season of Power and this new series surround Tariq. Hated him on Power but love him on this show. Didn’t miss Angie or Ghost and really wouldn’t have watched a spin-off with them either.

  15. Well I do not like Omari in really life and honestly I hated him and Angela on the show. They were not the reason I watched. PowerBook is pretty good, Tyrik is corny but I don’t watch PowerBook for his character. But I’m not bothered by Omari no longer being on the show.

  16. Makes sense. Lela Loren had to defend herself to say she’s just playing a character. After that the “heat” between Angela and Ghost did dissipate. Too bad.

  17. This is truly messy, but I’m glad that Omari is gone. Contrary to popular opinion, I don’t think that he is a good actor, he doesn’t really have the range. I actually enjoy PowerBook 2. Also, people have been too connected to Ghost. In most great shows like this, one of the main characters had to die. For example, Stringer Bell on the Wire. While I loved that character, and Idris, I was fine with it happening, whatever the reason.

  18. It sounds like Courtney wants to be like puff daddy. She wants to be all in the studios and the videos. We never really see the writers of a show only in the credits.
    How do you get jealous from the characters you create. It’s crazy and sad at the same time. I loved everything about this show-the writers, actors and storylines. I hated the direction after Raina died. I noticed that the original cast doesn’t even interact anymore. I guess the power struggle off screen was more interesting than the characters Courtney was writing about. I hate the néw series. I only watched it because nothing else was on tv because of covid.

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The Truth About The Omari Hardwick and Courtney Kemp Beef Part 2

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